I haven’t broken out in the sweats or had an anxiety attack, or thrown myself off a bridge like I had expected at the beginning of all of this. I think lately I’ve just chosen not to think about it. I haven’t planned anything major, I’m just going to do what I want to do.
Tonight I’m shopping and having dinner with my mother (tomorrow is her birthday too), tomorrow morning I’m sleeping in, then golfing and catching an afternoon matinee of ‘The Hangover 2’, followed by dinner with friends. T has gotten me an ipad 2! So I’ll probably play a few rounds of angry birds. Saturday the fun will continue with shopping in the states with my sister and probably another dinner with friends, followed by Sunday where I’m finally going to meet a friend’s new baby. I’m thinking that’s a pretty perfect birthday weekend.
I’ve done all 101 things. It’s been a learning experience, some items were easy, others more difficult, but I enjoyed the challenge. However I’ve also found that some days I’ll have something I’ll feel overly passionate about sharing but it in no way relates to any of the 101 things. So in a way I’m feeling released to tell you about anything my heart desires – so be prepared. There's your forewarning.
I am going to miss my twenties. They started with a broken heart, followed by years of getting to know myself (without the boy craziness), followed by finding T and setting up our future. I miss not getting hangovers or not having dark circles under my eyes, or being able to tolerate loud dance music with strobe lights for long periods of time. There was a period where I had no one to answer to but myself and it was glorious. I never thought I’d become domesticated, but somehow owning a house and having a husband has transformed me into keeping a clean house and making sure there is food in it, and often cooking that food!
I’ll never look back at my twenties and regret any of my choices. They were all learning experiences and I’m grateful to have had the experiences in the first place. To never experience life’s challenges is to not have lived. Years from now I’ll tell my children how I lived within walking distance of the party row of bars in the city, kissed a lot of frogs before I found my prince, took crazy road trips, wore unbelievably low cut clothing, and cut my own path the way I wanted to.
My thirties will be my ‘grow up’ years. I’ll become more responsible (maybe...), create more stability, and hopefully see a bit more of the world. I’ll definitely have another freak out at age 35, and then again at 39. I only hope these years don’t fly by as quickly as my twenties did.
As much as I’d like to agree with the saying and tell you ‘age is just a number’. It’s a number, followed by another number, and another number. Don’t take anything for granted, live everyday to the fullest, and for f#%k’s sake – wear sunscreen.