Luckily as the alien gets older he gets easier and I'm becoming an expert internet researcher, budget cruncher, shrink, and my inner Martha stewart is back in action with craft ideas!
But now about the stress that is on me. The alien arrived 8 weeks ago today and for 6 of those weeks I was allowed to do nothing of the physical sort. Now that didn’t stop me from going up and down steps, carrying heavy objects, or doing two laps around the block on nice days…but these thighs and ass haven’t seen exercise since….does waddling in early November count? I was put on modified bed rest in November so you can only imagine what I look like in a bridesmaid dress right now.Also, not JUST a bridesmaid dress. The maid of honor dress. It is different from the other bridesmaids and I get to stand RIGHT next to the bride. I’m not sure this is a great idea? You see my legs and thighs and ass are scary, the ta-ta’s are enormous, and thanks to the alien packing on weight and wanting to be held all the time my arms are getting fierce.
The dress is small. It’s short. I made sure that the ‘girls’ have coverage so they won’t be officiating the ceremony – but still the dress is still not something I would ever consider wearing if it wasn’t for my little sister. Did I mention the dress is hot raspberry? Oy. So here we go people. When the alien naps in the morning on weekdays I’m hitting that treadmill for 45 minutes or the alien and I will go on 6k walks on nice days…come on spring! This wedding is 2 days short of 6 months away and I’ve got 25lbs that are not invited to the wedding.
So here is the dress (not this color). We have to order the dresses this week in order to have them in time so of course having dress measurements taken made me want to crawl into a hole and NEVER show any kind of skin again. There is no before picture as that would require me to get dressed and do my hair, and um shower and the alien hasn’t allowed me to do any of that today. I just got the option to blog or shower and I chose blog….so feel special!!!! I do however have a weight loss buddy, I have admitted my weight and measurements out loud, and I feel that is the first step. I WILL get back to that post ½ marathon body!