Saturday, May 12, 2012

J9 & Gman’s Favorite things!!!

It is kind of like Oprah’s list only this stuff isn’t free L. Here I give to you a few things that have saved my sanity, provided me with more sleep and generally kept Gman happy. If you are pregnant, or thinking of getting pregnant, or have a baby gift to buy for someone I highly recommend these life savers (also ironically all can be bought from Amazon).

1.       The happiest baby on the block. This book/movie saved DH and I numerous times over. It taught us how to calm Gman down in mere seconds using the 5 S’s instead of hours of rocking and walking and bouncing. Also the swaddle technique gave us extra sleep time or extra time to watch a sleeping baby because they are too cute not to.

2.       Fisher Price’s Rock n Play – This is worth every single penny and I do not know how we would survive without it? If your child is only sleeping/napping in short intervals this little rocker will pretty much double that time right off the get go. Plus its height is perfect for having it beside your bed and it folds up nicely for traveling with the little one. I don’t know why or how this works so well I think the hammock style of it mocks a mother’s arms and the incline helps babies with any kind of reflux, and the rocking allows you to transition your baby into it keeping some motion. Absolutely love it.

3.        The winkel – I was given this toy as a gift and as soon as Gman grasped the concept of grabbing and holding things this became his favorite toy. It rattles and is brightly colored and there are many places to hold onto it. Now at four months old you can’t stop him from trying to eat it.

4.       Fisher Price's Rainforest Jumperoo – Gman just started using this at four months old and he can’t get enough of it. It lights up and makes noise and he can spin around and look at different things. We get dizzy just watching him bounce. This sucks the energy out of him and often I’ll pick him up out of it and he’ll pass out in my arms immediately. I do believe this is a must have.

5.       The Waybuloos – Say what you will that babies should not watch television, but when mommy needs to eat or shower or return a phone call or email, this program out of the UK works wonders. They are creatures that float around and do Yoga and the episodes are 20 minutes long and my kid loves it.

Check back in another 4 ½ months as I’m sure this list will grow.

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