I have this really good friend A. A is much older then me
(as a few of my friends are), but that doesn't stop us from seeing movies,
shopping, and having lunches together. I met A because when I started at my
current job she started 3 days later, so we were the “new” people.
Within a year our
mutual love of cross border shopping was discovered and we planned a weekend
trip away. After many rye & cokes, and chocolate martini’s things “that
will never be shared at work” were discussed and our friendship became
When dropping her off from that weekend away in her
small town outside the city I was currently living in, I decided I needed to
live there too. The neighborhoods were gorgeous and it was within a commute to
work. It was the exact place I envisioned raising a family. I drove home and
immediately went online to find a house –we bought & moved within 2 months
of that trip.
So now A & I live within walking distance to each other –
we cross border shop, golf, go for coffee, car pool, and I often ‘cat sit’
while she and her husband travel.
About 3 weeks ago I received a text from A saying she was in
having a mammogram before heading out on vacation for a week and how she hated
waiting. The next text came in saying it wasn't good news and she was being
sent for an ultrasound, and then another text sending her for a biopsy – all in
one afternoon.
A has been diagnosed with stage 3 invasive breast cancer. In
the 2 weeks since the initial mammogram she has had an MRI, a more invasive
biopsy, and is scheduled for a PET scan and a CT scan. She meets with her
surgeon next week to decide their approach. Her brain and liver need to be
check for cancer as they have already found small spots on her sternum. All of
this in within 2 weeks following the routine mammogram you have once you turn
I am beside myself.
I feel like I don’t know what to do or say. I tend to
approach sadness with humor, and I don’t know if that helps? I've surprised
her with flowers and listened when she needed to vent, and provided all the
benefit info (I work in HR) as requested. I've made it a point to ‘check in’
with her more regularly and have kept a ‘You got this' approach.
What I didn't know last October when I ran the ‘run for the
cure’ was that I was running for A. Ironically she was one of my biggest sponsors.
This year the run/walk is on October 6th. I have told A that she
needs to fight this battle and be in good walking condition for that day. I
will gather the largest team I can and we will walk the 5k together.
Luckily she is the strongest woman I know, so I have no
doubt she can do this. I just hope I am strong enough to support her. I’ll
leave my outbursts of crying for when I am in the car alone.