Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Fork in the road

I've decided to go in a new direction. A new kind of more of myself kind of direction. One that rants and rambles and forces my opinions on you. I’ll just tell it like it is – for me anyway. I came to the realization that I wasn't “into” my blog anymore because I always felt like I had to filter in case some relative somewhere became offended that I swear. Now, I just don’t care. Don’t read it, problem solved.

I don’t tweet. My posts could all end up being a little less crazy if I’d just tweet out some of these thoughts, but who really needs to know these things?! Oh right, you guys. If I tweeted nothing else in my life would get done ever as I’d have to over share everything. Like the fact that I just shaved enough hair off my body to knit a nice pair of slippers for an Alaskan child. Why Alaska? Only cold place I could think of off the top of my head. I don’t actually own slippers, I’m saving that for old age. I also don't think Alaska is a poor state, so they probably don't need free slippers. See, you needed to know that.

There will be more about T now – because he is crazy. It hasn't been determined which one of us makes the other crazier, but truth is we are our own reality show. Shit happens to us that just doesn't make sense. I won’t tell him I’m logging our craziness or you will see the launch of another blog telling of his side of the craziness. Currently he has no time for that as he’s creating a ‘Phaneuf Sucks’ YouTube channel with clips and audio commentary and all. You know because Phaneuf is currently the cause of why the Leafs are not going win the cup this year.

I’m still a mom who is clueless as to what she is doing all of the time, but am finding humor in it all. You have to or it destroys you! I’m also a daughter, sister, friend, co-worker… get the point.

So from now on I’ll share shit with you. In real life, real terms, no holds bars. Run screaming if you want, no offense taken.

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