Saturday, November 22, 2014

Life's brief update

Here I am again.

Midnight on a Friday night and I should be sleeping – but tomorrow is MY sleep in day, so I can splurge on a little writing.

Things have fallen, yet not fallen into place. I’ve spent the fall doing two things I never thought I’d be doing and am enjoying every moment.

First is wedding planning (and not for me, obviously). Next weekend is the event of the year. A friend got engaged in August and wanted to get married ASAP. Well, I said I could arrange it and here we are. I’ve loved EVERY aspect of the planning– just not something I want to do full time.

Next up is Aquafit Instructing. Who knew? I have been taking classes for upwards of a year now and when the instructor found out I didn’t return to work she asked me to teach. This has been really challenging and I should do a separate post – but for the time being I teach two classes Thursday nights.

 Life is funny and stressful and complete chaos most days. The colder weather is proving to be zero fun with trying to get the kids out. I’ve been attempting more mom playgroups and have even made a new friend (crazy how difficult that becomes as an adult). Really this topic again needs its own post.

Other than that I have been binge watching HBO’s Girls, I’ve been reading when I can (maybe 3 books/month), and finishing up my Christmas shopping.  This house is the most organized it has been in years and the amount of crap I am getting rid of to make space for more crap is amazing.

These kids are priceless. I could easily update here daily with funny conversations or shit that happens to us – but I never wanted to become ‘that’ blog. I get annoyed at people who do that on FB constantly.

I also don’t get the people who make blogging their full time job. Spending all their time trying to get ‘likes’ and linked to their site. Just not my thing, I guess. If just one person reads this one-day and it some how relates, or teaches them something then that is fine with me. There is just a fine line between relevant & not.

So on that note; there is what is up, in very very brief detail. I’ll try to post more detail soon.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Until Opportunity knocks

I didn’t return to work. 

I planned for it, had daycare lined up, had ‘back to work’ clothing for myself, backpacks packed ready for the kids, and I didn’t go.  There is something unbelievably crappy about working in HR. Your immediate boss is the HR Manager. When said HR manager finds out you were applying for employment elsewhere (for say a shorter commute and more time with the kids) you don’t have a leg to stand on – she’s already seen your cards.

So here I am – at home. The past two and a half years have prepared me for this, but I was not prepared for this to be full time. We didn’t plan financially for this. So now I learn to strictly budget, and cut coupons, and price match. I ask questions like “Do we really need that?” or “Can I sell this?”

Luckily things career-wise for T have sky rocketed so we will manage. It is just going to be a lot of adjusting. I’m also not set on staying home until G (September 2016) or both kids are in school. I’m sure I will have lost my mind by then. So, for the right opportunity I’ll go back.

Now, that right opportunity. Luckily I am in a position where I can decide when and where I will be happy working. I’ve never had this luxury. In order to survive I have jumped at some pretty horrible jobs. This new job will have to bring in a decent income to cover daycare costs (18K/year) and make it worthwhile to be away from the kids. It is hard to put a price tag on these first years with them.

Just by being ‘home’ for one official week I now have my son potty-trained and I was able to witness my daughters first steps and lap around our house. No amount of money right now would make these moments worth missing.

Does this terrify me? Of course! I pride myself in how independent I have been and am terrified to not be bringing in a salary. So however temporary or long term this becomes that will always be in the back of my head.

So I won’t be chained to a desk to compose amazing blog posts. But I will have chilly fall nights with no yard work to be completed, with little ones sleeping, and T working away on the opposite couch to pen my thoughts. So bare with me, this is going to be one hell of a learning experience.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

It's about that time.

The time I resurface. The time I return to work. You see the great thing about being Canadian is the yearlong maternity leave. While, before having children I thought this year was like an extended vacation with a child – I now know I was beyond wrong. And hey, I never admit I’m wrong.

How about a year off with two kids under the age of two? Let me tell you it takes a very special person to not become a closet alcoholic. Not a ‘secret’ alcoholic – one who actually drinks in her closet with the door closed to avoid the complete shit show that is going down in the house.

Since November 2011 I have worked 6 months (Jan – July 2013). I have perfected synching nap times and bedtime routines and have spent many hours searching for favorite toys that have gone missing or a soother. I have spent double or triple that just holding and rocking and kissing my children. They have become my everything and I hope that I am able to remain their favorite mommy when not with them all day. I hope that time doesn’t fly by.

However, I miss adult conversation, and dressing in anything other than comfy clothes and flip-flops. I miss kid-free lunches and having more income. And really, that’s about it. Ideally, in a perfect world, I’d work part-time – but it is just not in the cards right now.

So while I have watched kids shows, and Disney movies, and gone on a million adventures, I have also accomplished some projects around the house that I’ll post about soon – you know once I’m tied to the desk with no fresh air or direct sunlight. I’ve created a kid space in the basement ‘kid cave’ and all. I’ve refinished a rocking chair from my childhood for A, and re-finished a vanity for my ‘one day’ basement bathroom. I’ve read – oh how I’ve gotten to read again. I’ve even seen a few movies.

However, I still have one month left to sing and dance and kiss away boo-boo’s. I have a jam packed schedule of adventures to go on with G, and stories to read with A. So, I’m here. I’m gathering material. I was actually tonight sorting through A’s too –small clothing when I came across the sleeper she wore in her newborn pictures. I immediately became a puddle with tears of how quickly she has grown.

So I’ll be with you again really soon. But I need to soak up every minute I can with my two littles – they have made my life something I never knew was possible, and am loving every second of it (well maybe not the potty-training part).

Monday, February 10, 2014

Skeletons in the closet

No actual skeletons, but if there had been any in my front closet, I never would have found them.

Exhibit A. The disaster that had become my front closet:

I searched Pinterest and all the building supply stores and measured and sketched and came up with my plan of attack.

My list of current must haves for the closet were:
-       -storage for LOTS of shoes
-       -hooks for kids coats
-       -baskets for hats/mitts
-      - place for kids backpacks
-       -storage for totes/purses
-       -storage for running gear
-      - storage for shoe maintenance stuff
-      - protection of hardwood floor
-       -no space in which shoes could be piled.

My original idea (and probably most cost effective) was to have some sheets of plywood cut to size and to paint them and build my own shelves – but there is no time for that, and the garage is too cold to paint in. I also thought about baskets to put the kids shoes in so they could just toss and be done with them – but the thought of dirty or wet shoes being tossed in on clean ones did not sit well with me.

I measured and found Lowes had shelves that would fit the closet perfectly. I bought an everyday utility mat ($10) to protect the hardwood floor and the wall behind the shelves from any kind of markings, and a metal shelf to match the existing one.

There were a few glitches.

1.     If you look at the top of your coat closet and see glorious unused space – there might be a reason for it. Once you install a shelf above where a coat rack would normally hang MAKE SURE your shelf depth gives allowance for stuff to actually be put on said shelf. In my case it was only empty totes and purses so they could squeeze through the few inch clearance, but a basket would probably be pushing it.

2.     Make sure you understand construction terms. I was instructed to drill into the wall with a 1/4th  bit, but do not punch the hole? Um, what? What is punching? The shelf had anchors that needed to be put through the holes and then nail type things through those. Still not 100% sure I did that right, but nothing heavy is going up there.

3.     Install the top shelf BEFORE you install the shoe shelves or anything below it. Drywall dust everywhere!!!

4.     If you experience winter where you are – avoid white shoe shelves. Or, go ahead and get them just spend a lot of your time washing them.

What you can’t see in the newly organized picture is:
1.     Black hanging boxes moved to other side of closet – not taking up prime coat space, but still accessible.
2.     Coat hanger for winter scarves, and one for T’s belts
3.     Inside baskets A. Hats/Mitts B. Baby carriers C. Baseball caps.

A few things I would have loved to add if I had more space and an electrical outlet
1.     A key hook for T's keys, the shed key, etc. – next trip out I’ll pick up
2.     An electronic charging station.

T caught me standing starring at the beauty of the closet. He says if it makes me happy when I’m coming and going from the house it was money well spent. Now, if I could only get him to hang up his coat!!!

Next up – Laundry room, kids play area, spare bedroom, and maybe a bathroom – before spring?  Probably wishful thinking.

Ironically, I sent an email with this exact same title to my high school boyfriend years after we split up telling him I had indeed set him up to see if he'd admit he had a girlfriend once he went off to university. Super nice guy, super wrong answer.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Fat boy on a diet

I don’t know why that title makes me giggle, but the music lover in me comes out every time!

I stand, well sit, before you today to declare this ass is getting in motion. Now that all the having baby business is permanently over I want my high school body back. You know the one I hated 15 years ago because I was an idiot? Yeah, that one. It is calling to me. It is flashing images of trendy clothing and gasp! Two piece bathing suits.

I am going to be that mom that trains with their kids for track and cross-country, and takes them hiking etc. They are going to live a very active lifestyle, and being fit I’m going to live long enough to see graduations, weddings, and grandchildren.

So, A is 6 months old (holy shit) and here is what I’m doing to lose 63lbs. ßYES, sad but true. 63lbs to take off 15 years of eating and having kids.

1.     Weight loss challenge with T. Weelky weigh-in’s on the wii fit. Every 10lbs you lose you get $50 to spend on whatever you want. IF we both get to our goal weight, we go on an all-inclusive vacation (you know to look good in previously mentioned bathing suits).

2.     Bought another BOB jogging stroller. I was so sad to sell it to buy the double stroller for convenience that I found one used and scored a great deal. Once the 8ft of snow we currently have melts, I’m going to hit the pavement running.

3.     I joined weight watchers. I am giving myself a 3 month ‘trial’ to be accountable for what goes in my mouth. So long bacon and chocolate cake and iced tea and cinnamon buns….

4.     I’m currently looking into some type of fitness class. I loved Zumba when I did that, and am on a waiting list for an aqua running class, but I need something that fits into the 5-7pm time slot when I can escape from the munchkins and in this small town that is proving difficult.

5.     Smoothies. A friend has sworn up and down by a 30 day smoothie challenge and while I haven’t started this yet – I plan to when I plateau to keep things interesting.

6.     Fitbit – go get one. Seriously, get up and go buy one right now. Or just stay seated and shop online. I’ll have to dedicate another blog post to the amazingness of this tiny motivator.

So, I’m three weeks in (one on WW) and I have lost 12.6lbs. Only another 50.6lbs to go! I know losing it this quickly is bad and not sustainable and I’ve probably just put my body into complete shock. T has lost 3lbs. He shoots me nasty looks and tells me I’m cheating while I’m standing on the scale in front of him – but during this brutal winter we are having the thought of laying childless on the beach sipping booze is motivation enough to bust a move J