Monday, October 7, 2013

Who has time for that?!

Here I am! 3 months and an extra kid later, I feel as if I've been hit by a bus. Most days I just focus on remembering which way is up. So Alas not much interesting going on.

Oh WAIT. There are a few things. 

Miss A arrived on July 30th. She is going to cost me a small fortune in all things girl. As soon as she can walk and grows some hair my pay check will disappear to shoes and bows and ribbons. She is stubborn like me, and G calls her 'baby girl' in the most adorable way ever. 

G is a parrot. In the way that he repeats ALL.THE.THINGS. Today in my furry over an old person parking in the 'families with small children' spot at Walmart on our hunt for Finding Nemo I called the person old & blind. Don't you know G called the cashier old & blind! 

Yup folks, that is what my life has become. Instead of hunting for designer hand bags and amazing trips, I go on searches for children's movies. I swore I would never be that parent that put DVD players in their vehicles and not only did I get one DVD player, I got 2! Only fair that a 2 month old has her own right? Actually, I was thinking forward and knowing that the option of two that connect would be ideal. So parents that have 2 kids - look into these - they are amazing. I want to sit in the back seat on all trips now.

I am still neurotic about getting all Christmas shopping done ahead of time. I currently have both kids completely finished & G's birthday done too. I started shopping in June. I am an expert online shopper now. My new favorite website to oggle and sometimes buy stuff for me is I apologize now for your new addiction. 

I have been cooking up all my Pinterest Pins! There will be a blog with reviews on that coming soon (ok, the next time I can get both kids to nap at the same time for an extended period of time, where I also do not require a nap).

And I am on the hunt for a desk that I'll hopefully refurnish. I have a dream of this desk, and I believe that if I have a pretty desk the writing will come. Now, if only I could find the time to search for this old desk......