Monday, September 27, 2010

#92. & #72. Tie a few knots & Sleep in a hammock.

T has always made fun of my knot tying abilities – but really why do I need such skills? I don’t own a boat that needs to be docked, or a dog that requires being tied to a tree. So other than my maybe once per year camping trip I never have to tie knots.

The same thing happens every year. We get to the campsite, steak out our trees and put up our hammocks – we each have our own hammock as we are not so good at sharing. Every year T comments about my knots and states that he is not lying in my hammock as it is unsafe. Do you think I consciously do this on purpose? YES. Because I always get the prime location, and I’m not sharing that either.

Please note that my hammock has never fallen, and I have spent hours in it reading.

On one trip we had and adjacent site to friends of ours who brought up a rather small dog. I was peacefully reading in my hammock when a daddy-long-legs landed on my face. That’s right – MY FACE. I whisked it off only to have it land on my arm. So of course I freaked out – there was jumping and screaming and clothes being torn off - of course pure entertainment for T and our friends. When I finally calmed down enough to explain to them what had actually happened (T hates spiders almost as much as I do) T feels something brush his leg. Of course he freaks out and kicks his leg, and ends up punting this poor small innocent dog half way across the campsite! It’s funny now, but at the time he had to apologize over and over and over for kicking their dog.

I now look for trees with a higher canopy so the chances of another spider attack is slim to none.

We camped at The Pinery Provincial Park a few weeks back and here are my excellent knots:

And as you can’t take a picture of yourself sleeping in a hammock – here I am as a kid. I had wandered off long enough for my parents to come looking.

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