Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Getting back on the horse

Remember when I went running every night and watched almost every movie that came out and did things spur of the moment? You know when I was a DINK. (Dual income no kids). While I’m back. Mind you I run a little slower, watch movies at ‘Stars & Strollers’ viewings, and anything that is spur is planned around every 2 hour feedings….but still I’m back.

There is still dust collecting on my heels, and my hair is never blown dry or curled and make-up is pretty basic if done at all, but I’m feeling like I’m almost back to myself.

I guess I didn’t lose myself, but that is what it felt like. It felt like I lived and breathed my kid. I was a zombie. I didn’t have the time or energy to do the things that I think made me me and that threw me completely off. I wouldn’t say it was baby blues it was more like feeling like a shadow of myself. If only I could birthed a 2 month old having a baby would have been MUCH easier.

I’ve been hitting the pavement daily. If I’m not throwing in head phones, passing off G and going for a jog, I’m tossing G in the stroller and heading out for a long walk. It feels great to be back at it. The ipod still has all the old tunes and my legs seem to have gone back into autopilot and I feel great afterwards. This should hopefully make getting into the itsy bitsy bridesmaid dress a little easier.

I’m back to shopping, and not just regular pop into the city shopping, or cross border shopping, but drive 3 hours to Yorkdale shopping and survive. Mind you, it is not as easy as it used to be, but with planning and no ‘set’ schedule it is doable. I will tell you more about the recent shopping adventures in the next post.

So I’m back. I hate sitting still, and am going stir-crazy in the house. I’m not a daytime television kind of girl. Is it sad that I still check my work email account almost daily? Yup. Can’t. Sit.Still. And having a baby has brought out a whole other level of multi tasking J

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