Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Never thought I'd see this day....

I’ve had an addiction I never knew I had. I buy books, read them, and then never read them again. I have shelves, and bins, and boxes of books all in perfect condition just collecting dust. I finally answered the question I’ve been asking myself for years – “where does all my money go?”, you know besides clothes,…. and shoes.

I will be out and see a book I want to read and pick it up on the spot – not once have I thought to go to the  local Library to borrow it – you know because those books come with other peoples germs. Not that I overly care about germs, but I’m weird like that. I'd have to go out of my way to get a library card, and then try and find it, and because it is new I'd probably be put on a list to read it, and so on. Also, my mom works at a library, I could have books delivered, but still no. I must buy them, read them, and then store them.

Well, I’m running out of room. While my book collection is impressive and looks good on book shelves what is the point? Decoration?

Maybe this is stemming from the fact that I have zero time to read. Zero time to sleep, hell zero time to shower some days! I’m lucky these days to read the Saturday paper by Tuesday. Other things are more pressing – you know… laundry, exercising, attempting to cook decent meals, and now ‘Operation Chuckshit’, all while doing it in 10 minute intervals that my spawn entertains himself happily.

Sure I have some quiet time while he is eating or taking a nap on me (his best longest naps), but I’m finding my books too heavy and awkward to hold while doing such activities.

So.. and I can’t believe I’m going to say this. I think it is time for an eBook reader. I’m admitting defeat out of my need for their light design and missing reading oh so much. What is even more sad is that my plan is to sell my books to cover the cost of the eBook reader.

I have 3 books sitting here collecting dust waiting for me to read them. This has NEVER happened and I have a feeling I could be done all three if only they were in electronic form.

Oh how I hate the idea of starring at another screen, and not owning the physical book, and I’m sure once the necessity for ease of use is not so demanding I will probably return back, but I’m missing reading too much these days not to.

So eBook reader users  - do you have any tips? I’m currently eyeing the kindle fire – just because it will also let me multi task with internet capabilities and because it is much lighter than the ipad – which I still love only I find it too heavy to read anything for long periods of time without having it rest on something. It’s like when I was a kid and would get ‘Nintendo thumb’, it’s called ‘ipad wrist’.

I can’t tell you the sorrow I am feeling about giving up on the traditional book, but functionality and space talks.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Getting back on the horse

Remember when I went running every night and watched almost every movie that came out and did things spur of the moment? You know when I was a DINK. (Dual income no kids). While I’m back. Mind you I run a little slower, watch movies at ‘Stars & Strollers’ viewings, and anything that is spur is planned around every 2 hour feedings….but still I’m back.

There is still dust collecting on my heels, and my hair is never blown dry or curled and make-up is pretty basic if done at all, but I’m feeling like I’m almost back to myself.

I guess I didn’t lose myself, but that is what it felt like. It felt like I lived and breathed my kid. I was a zombie. I didn’t have the time or energy to do the things that I think made me me and that threw me completely off. I wouldn’t say it was baby blues it was more like feeling like a shadow of myself. If only I could birthed a 2 month old having a baby would have been MUCH easier.

I’ve been hitting the pavement daily. If I’m not throwing in head phones, passing off G and going for a jog, I’m tossing G in the stroller and heading out for a long walk. It feels great to be back at it. The ipod still has all the old tunes and my legs seem to have gone back into autopilot and I feel great afterwards. This should hopefully make getting into the itsy bitsy bridesmaid dress a little easier.

I’m back to shopping, and not just regular pop into the city shopping, or cross border shopping, but drive 3 hours to Yorkdale shopping and survive. Mind you, it is not as easy as it used to be, but with planning and no ‘set’ schedule it is doable. I will tell you more about the recent shopping adventures in the next post.

So I’m back. I hate sitting still, and am going stir-crazy in the house. I’m not a daytime television kind of girl. Is it sad that I still check my work email account almost daily? Yup. Can’t. Sit.Still. And having a baby has brought out a whole other level of multi tasking J