Friday, October 15, 2010

#31 – Find your religion.

Here is the customary note stating these are my thoughts/views and I don’t mean and/or will not try to offend anyone. Apologies in advance if you are offended.

I am a very opinionated person but strongly believe that opinions and discussions about religion or politics should just be avoided.

I’ll start by saying I am not a religious person, nor do I plan to become one. Living by specific rules or beliefs set out by any one religion does not interest me. However, I see good aspects of many different religions.

I will put out there that any religion that states that being gay or lesbian should be looked down upon is not a religion I will support, and I will not support politicians who share that view also.

And if you’re sitting there thinking I’m not religious because I wasn’t ever properly introduced to it - you are wrong. As a child I went every Sunday to church with my family and my mother was a Sunday school teacher. As a teen where the choice became mine, I no longer attended. T & I chose not to be married in a church, and chose not to bring religion into the ceremony – we were married by a marriage commissioner. If we didn’t practice any one religion throughout our relationship, why would we choose one just to be married? Our marriage was about the level of commitment that we required from each other before major investments, and possibly children.

I don’t do things 'half-ass', it’s not who I am. So in order to say I’m this religion or that religion, and then make concessions because of my lifestyle that don’t fit the ‘rules’ of that religion, I believe that’s 'half-assing 'it.

My morals and values I didn’t learn in a church. I learned from them from my surroundings, people I respected, and trial and error. I am angered by those who try to force their religion on others, or those that that take their religion to the extreme to the point of terrorism. And also those who are so close minded to believe that their religion can only be the‘correct’ religion and not respect the beliefs of others.

I guess today I am just angered by negativity towards homosexuality and the recent suicides of gay youth, who are being bullied – not only by other youths- with beliefs passed down by ignorant parents, but also by adults with close-minded opinions stemmed from religion. Every person has a right to be on this earth and have the same opportunities as anyone else. If you are going to be one of those ignorant people, do the world a favour and keep your mouth shut. The deaths were all unnecessary.

I accept all religions and do not judge people on their individual views, and would expect the same in return. It’s too bad more people aren’t like that, and everyone could just coexist.

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