Wednesday, July 28, 2010

#79 - Dub the soundtrack from your childhood.

I apologize if this post gets incredibly long, but I am a HUGE music fan, so this is incredibly hard. I have compiled lists, written and re-written this post, and finally have decided I’m just going to ramble. As I have favorite albums, or songs, or artists, that I can categorize etc, etc, but instead I’ll just go with songs that when I hear them they bring me back to a certain time or place. I’m also deeming childhood anything before marriage – however, I still haven’t grown up.

Tracy Chapman’s ‘Fast Car’. When I was a kid my dad had a ’72 Malibu Chevelle SS in mint condition that we would spend hours in the garage tinkering, cleaning, or polishing, and when this song came on the radio my dad knew the lyrics and would sing. My dad doesn’t sing. Then we’d take the car out for a drive and when it came on the radio the volume would be cranked, and the windows would go down, and my hair would fly in the wind.

The Tragically Hip‘s ‘Scared’.The first song I danced to with whom I refer to as my first love, or the first real long lasting relationship in high school. I asked him to dance, and a week later I called him to hang out. Ballsy, I know. The Tragically Hip was his favorite band, and when we were separating (he was older and going 7 hours away for university) he quoted this song in a letter.

Meredith Brooks’ ‘Bitch’. Oh boy, is it bad that I related to this song and most of Alanis Morissette’s ‘Jagged little pill’ album during the influential high school years? This could explain a lot. This song brings me back to the days of parties at Stacey’s where she and I somehow bonded over being bitches. Lovely!

Natalie Imbruglia’s ‘Torn’. I had just gotten my driver’s license and the drive out to the above boyfriend’s house was roughly 20 minutes along a river. This was sad, yet sounded happy and care free and didn’t allow me 20 minutes of being sad about his pending departure. Often when I’m home I’ll still do that drive just for fun as it’s very scenic.

Tegan and Sara’s ‘The First’. This is the song that I played repeatedly in my dorm room very loud, and on my CD disc man while riding public transit once I got to the bigger city. It was upbeat, catchy, and related to my new found independence.

The Counting Crow’s ‘Anna Begins’. Living with Chris I used to play this song repeatedly very loud while singing on my commute to and from work for the entire summer leading up to our end. I think the counting crows were putting my relationship status blatantly in my face, and maybe I knew it.

Sheryl Crow’s ‘I shall believe’. When the above relationship ended, I spent many late nights crying listening to this song. I hear this song and basically my heart stops beating and hits the floor for old time’s sake.

Whitney Houston’s ‘I Wanna Dance’. My best friend would kill me if I didn’t add this song. When my heart was on the floor with no hopes of recovery she and I would hold late night Whitney Houston ‘I wanna dance’ dance parties – she wasn’t always physically present – but on the phone or computer. When I accidentally walked into the wrong apartment one night I had to apologize to my hot-in-a-Tom-Selleck-but-hotter-kind-of-way neighbor A – for walking into his apartment & B – for keeping him up with the random Whitney Houston dance parties.

The Rolling Stones’ ‘Beast of Burden’. I hear this and I am right back to dancing in the middle of the afternoon in my one bedroom apartment in the dead of the summer in my early 20’s. I remember celebrating after receiving a phone call with a job offer a little too loudly to this song – getting my first noise complaint at 4pm on a Tuesday.

Louis Armstong’s ‘Wonderful World’. T had taken me to NY for a surprise second anniversary trip where he told me not to get my hopes up for a proposal, so I told him if that was the case, I wanted nothing romantic to happen that day. We grab seats on the subway heading to Central Park when an older gentleman steps into the car with a portable stereo and proceeds to sing this song. T did propose that day, and we used this song as our first dance at our wedding.

The Progues’ ‘Love You Till The End’. T & I ended our wedding reception with this song while dancing in the middle of all of our friends and family before we boarded the bus back to the cottage for a bonfire and fireworks. It was the perfect song to wrap up an amazing day.

So there you have it. This is by all means not my all-time favorite songs and/or artists and/or albums, but they relate to my life. I do love ALL kinds of music. Maybe after I complete the 101 things, I’ll explore a little more into music with the blog. For now, I’ve queued these all up on YouTube so I think I’ll sit and reminisce.

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