Wednesday, July 7, 2010

#83. Carry something to read, a notebook, and a pen at all times

I physically can’t do this. I used to lug purses around that were so heavy they caused hundreds of dollars’ worth of chiropractic bills to rack up. The purses were filled with my wallet, a small drug store, pens, candies, a nail file, lists, sunglasses, a camera, lip balms, my cell phone, keys, business cards, hair ties, gum, floss, my passport, cheque book, and sometimes snacks, books, etc. I was a one stop shop for everything, as most women are. So adding a notebook and pen to mix wouldn’t have made a difference. But that was before my love affair with designer purses began.

Most women have shoe addictions, which I completely understand. I wish at this point I could go back to a shoe addiction as it was the much cheaper addiction. But that would make my life too easy now wouldn’t it? With shoes you find a pair you like, check if they have your size, justify the price, and done. With designer purses, and other things, size matters. The bigger the purse the more $$ - so I'd rather go numerous smaller designer purses rather than one large. Therefore, with limited space only so much fits in, and a book or notebook doesn’t make the list.

Here is my newest love:

But wait, even if I did have a bigger purse my BlackBerry has made carrying a notbook and a book redundant. I’m still relatively new to the blackberry phenomenon, but I can no longer live without this electronic device. My BlackBerry does everything. It has a memo pad feature that keeps numerous lists and notes for me, all alphabetically organized. It has a calendar that synchs with both my Google calendar and my Facebook activities, and anything else I add in manually, and it alerts me with reminders of when things are going down.

If I wanted or needed to read something I can web browse or or download a news app, or catch up on my e-mails. Speaking of e-mails it brings e-mails from all my different accounts into one and flashes at me when there is a new e-mail waiting – it’s brilliant, and so time saving. It takes pictures, which eliminates the need to carry a camera with me. Yesterday I had to purchase an oil filter for my car. I can never remember the code, and hate asking for help for the same thing more than once, so in a pinch for time, before I handed the oil filter to my mechanic I snapped a picture of it so I could add the code to my memo pad for future reference. It also takes pictures when I’m drunk at the bar and the bathroom stall is telling me I’m beautiful:

Now, if it could only physically write, dispense drugs, file my nails, unlock doors, and get me across the border I wouldn’t need anything more in my purse other than my wallet and sunglasses. Wow, I sound like an advertisement for BlackBerry – does anyone else feel the same way about theirs?

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