Tuesday, July 6, 2010

#23 – Google Yourself

Google me. You can’t. I don’t exist. I myself am more of a bing girl – so I ‘binged’ me. Nothing there either. Well if you use my maiden name you can find out where I went to elementary and secondary school and during what years – but nothing else.

There’s a Facebook link with my name, and just when I think ‘crap they got me’. Nope. I locked down those privacy settings – when you work in HR for a large company it is key that no one find you. So I got this person instead – SO not me. Not even me in 40 years.

There’s a blogger with the same maiden name as myself– that’s kind of exciting as we are a rare few – let’s see how much we have in common?

5 kids and loves to scrapbook to stay sane. Absolutely zero in common. Partaking in either one of those ‘hobbies’ would make me take a long walk off a short cliff.

At the same time I look at not being found and question what I’ve accomplished in life if nothing I’ve done is internet worthy?

Eat, Pray, Love: One Woman's Search for Everything Across Italy, India and Indonesia
I’ve recently read 'Eat Pray Love' - by Elizabeth Gilbert. Don’t do this if you don’t want to question everything about everything and anything in your life. In the book she hits her 30’s and has lined her life up with a husband, home, and is thinking children when she decides that it is not the life that makes her happy and decides that traveling to Italy to Eat, India to Pray, and Indonesia to love over the period of a year will help her find herself.

I feel like I’m constantly looking for something, but can’t quite put my finger on what it is? and time is just passing by and I’m not where I think I thought I would be? Does that make any sense?

So then I think OK time to make changes, time to take those steps forward – but towards what? I clearly have no direction. Yes, no direction and pushing age 30 – small freak out. I wake up and think ‘today is the day I’m going to figure out what I’m going to do with my life’, and it never happens. When I do sit for long periods of time thinking these things I get depressed as I don’t have the time or the funds to do most of them. If I had my way I’d own a golf course, and either donate to, or volunteer at, an animal rescue, all while training to climb a mountain or whatever I set my sights on that year. If there is one thing I’ve learned about myself it is that once I’ve accomplished something, I look for what’s next? What’s bigger and better? It’s really an exhausting characteristic.

You people should really just get some lawn chairs and popcorn and sit on my front lawn and watch this shit show go down – it’s entertaining for everyone but me.

Ok now that I’m sounding all sad and lost, and you’re all thinking I’m going to pick up disappear. I can’t – I don’t have a book deal that would back it. However, if I win the lottery Italy, Indonesia, and Iceland here I come. Yes, Iceland.

Whatever it is I do, I’m going to make damn sure it’s internet worthy.

Oh, and if I haven’t convinced you to run out and read the book (absolutely do not do this) – you can wait a few weeks and go see the movie.

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