Sunday, December 13, 2015

Stress free travel

In a perfect world to travel to & from every Christmas party or gathering this season, I would get in my car alone, grab a coffee, and hit the road. I'd probably sing at the top of my lungs, maybe call a few people to catch up (bluetooth of course), and enjoy the time to myself.

Unfortunately that is not currently the world I'm living in. Before I had children I used to claim I'd never be the mother who put the TV's in the car to entertain the kids. I'd make them look out the windows, and sing songs, and tell stories, like when I was a kid. Yeah- not so much.

My trips of any great distance usually go something like this:
1. Pack everything you can the night before
2. Make sure the vehicle has gas - night before
3. Change the movie in the CD player - night before
4. Gather last minute items (soother, stuffed animals in the morning)
5. Dress, feed, and then layer on a second layer of coats/boots.
6. Grab a handful of snacks & make sure to have juice boxes
7. Make sure kids have their ipods
8. Get one kid into the car while the other is free range doing whatever.
9. Make sure movie starts, and kids have snack and drink.
10. Maybe stop for a coffee while explaining to the children they do not NEED timbits or cake pops
12. Drive like hell to get where you are going. You WILL have to stop for someone to pee on the side of the road.

Other tips include driving when your kids nap, or right at bedtime for hopefully an easy transfer into their beds.

We took a 7 hour trip with both kids last year and were grateful to have an empty bottle when we got held up at the border for 1.5 hours and G had to pee.

I purchased a Panasonic set of TV's (great if you have two kids or two rows). They can each watch the same movie or separate movies. The kids are getting earphones this year to hopefully stop the arguing over sound when watching different movies. I recommend them. I've used them for over 2 years now and I haven't had any issues. AND it appears they are discontinued.... not sure why? Try and find something similar.

I also have a handful of toys that stay in the car at all times, and will often let them choose one or two.

Until they are old enough to have lengthy conversations or want sections of the newspaper I think this will be our go to routine. My parents are 1.5 hours away, the cottage is 2 hours away, and even running into the city can end up being 40 minutes.

On return from my parents I discovered the best way in December to keep my kids quiet......

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