Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Tis the Season

Hello there. I had this bright idea last night that I’d like to blog our December. A look into what the holidays are like with our family. So here we go…

I will first point out that 99% of my shopping is already complete. I’ve tried to leave December open just for any baking and kids activities, and now of course blogging. While shopping and wrapping and decorating in November I declared December my month to sleep. Probably not going to happen.

Since today is the day ‘Howie’ our elf on the shelf arrived I’ll share with you my tricks to (hopefully) not becoming horribly annoyed with him over the next 24 days.

Step 1: Sit down and come up with 24 scenarios for the elf to get up to, or places where you can put him as my kids are too young to understand not touching him so I have to keep him up high. Write these out on a note on your phone/computer with any props you might need so after a quick glance you can complete everything without being stumped at what to do each night.  Pinterest has LOTS of great ideas if you are stuck.

Step 2: Set a reminder for about 10 minutes after your kids go to bed every night. No more explaining why the elf didn’t move in the morning!

Step 3: On Decemeber first your elf should show up (arrives on our tree) and leaves his book under it. I use this as a refresher (they are young) to help them grasp the concept. Oh I can’t wait to say “Howie is watching!!!!” when they act up!

Step 4: I’ve already done this, but if you have a free hour or so it doesn’t take long. You can easily make your elf’s arms & legs flexible and pose-able!! Watch this video and gather up some supplies. I found everything at Walmart. I’d say I spent $2, however I already had white thread & a seam ripper. I HIGHLY recommend a seam ripper. I also highly recommend taking out the stitches at this knees/elbows as it makes it a million times easier to put the wire through. I used 18gage wire (used for beading crafts)  and wrapped up 4 strands of it and am happy with the result.

This morning Howie arrived and brought the kids advent calendars. I’d say day #1 = success. 

P.S. Did I mention 'Howie' showed up at Halloween in costume to collect letters to Santa?! Easy way to get that list a little early ;)

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