Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Happy Christmas!

So my plan to blog every day up until Christmas was insane. It it nearly impossible to get enough sleep let alone sit at a computer for longer than 3 seconds. Last night I was grocery shopping at 10pm!

In the next 24 hours I need to:
1. Dust the basement & clean up the toys & place bedding on the couch for my brother
2. Bake Christmas cookies
3. Bake banana chocolate chip muffins
4. Pick up farm fresh eggs
5. Attend Christmas party tonight
6. Pack bags for leaving for 2 days Christmas day
7. Clean main floor of clutter
8. Assemble a gift & hide it
9. Two scheduled visits from friends/family
10. Sleep.

Ok, that is it. The list doesn't seem crazy, but I'm sure I've forgotten a few things and the kids are wound and always want to be doing something.

I think Christmas with young children is comparable to those when I was a child myself. Only now I get to create the magic.

Here are some gems from the season so far:

1. While watching The Grinch (Jim Carey version) G asked T where the Grinch's penis was. You see the Grinch didn't wear any pants and G couldn't see it. I was thankful to NOT have gotten that question.

2. When A came running screaming "I sorry mommy, I SORRY MOMMY" when her attempt at getting candy off the gingerbread house resulted in her dumping it all on the floor.

3. Pushing the kids around the grocery store and having them sing the first line jingle bells (G singing the lines and A yelling "HEY" over and over, and having all the old ladies swoon all over them.

4. At their meeting with Santa, A giving Santa a gift instead of the other way around.

5. A yelling "Happy Christmas!!" every chance she gets - it is even cuter when she puts on a santa hat.

6. The kids and the cat re-decorating the bottom of the tree every other day or so.

7. G going over to cuddle A on the couch and saying "I love you A" and her responding "I love you" back. This is HUGE considering he tells me he doesn't want a sister when he's upset with her.

8. The kids showing little interest in decorating cookies, but when it came time to eat them A spending forever to pick the right cookie to eat.

9. Having not one, not two, but ALL gifts under the tree and the kids NOT opening them. That is a Christmas miracle right there!

10. When visiting friends a pillow with bells on it was being jingled and A coming running thinking it was Santa.

So, if by chance I don't get back here - have a great holiday! Spend time with those you care about and if you can't - spoil yourself!!

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