Tuesday, May 24, 2011

#59. Research your family’s medical history

I cannot stress to you how important it is to know your medical history. If something medically were to arise the first thing the doctor wants to know is if there is a history of it in your family.

My family seems to have a mixed bag of everything.

On my mother’s side we have heart problems, high blood pressure, and miscarriages. However, the women on that side of the family are strong, have amazing memories, and live far into their 90’s. My great grandmother and her sister died of starvation because their bodies had given up on them, and they had no further will to live. So in the hospital they just stopped eating. My grandfather however, had triple bypass surgery 17 years ago and was given 10 years to live at that point. Then just recently his heart acted up again, nothing he couldn’t handle! A pace maker and a stint and he’s back in action! He even somehow managed to be bedridden for the entire Masters weekend and the opening of baseball season – two of his favorites.

My father’s side seems to be healthy. There is possibly a case of dementia with my grandfather, but his heart and lungs have somehow survived years of pipe smoking. My grandmother has trouble with arthritis, but otherwise they are both healthy. My father has an issue with his kidneys, but it was caught early and has been treated and he’s in the clear. My sister, brother, and I have all been tested and we are in the clear.

Did you ever see the episode of Oprah where they introduced this company called 23andMe who were doing genetic testing to determine what you could be prone to? I have always wanted to do this, however it used to be $1,000 now it has become much more affordable. The only thing holding me back is T. He seems to think I'll worry too much with the information I'd find out and I kind of agree. Is it better to know or not know?!

The last time I was at the doctor my blood pressure was text book and everything checked out. So I think I’ll keep doing what I’m doing and hope for a long healthy life!

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