Tuesday, May 24, 2011

#86. Stop slamming other women

I am 100% guilty of this when someone has ticked me off. T is usually the one who gets the earful and it usually starts with “Can you believe”…

Now, the petty comments over what so and so wore, or how their hair was etc all ended in pretty much high school. As well as the being concerned about who was dating who as the dating pool expanded greatly once I left the small town. However the gossip around what famous person wore on the red carpet has never ended, and sadly, I don’t think it ever will.

Do we all remember this epic fail? Now, I give points for creativity – but it was too much.

(Bjork - 2001 Academy Awards)

If I ever talk to someone about someone else it is always the case that the person who is the subject does not know or have any connection to the person I am speaking with. I generally ask for advice as to how to react to a certain situation, or respond to something that has thrown me off. As much as T thinks he gives good advice he does not know women, and that’s where I’ll often turn to my sister.

However, to stop any kind of ‘slamming’ I’ve decided that if I am ever to talk about another woman in any light – positive or negative to speak as if she is in the room. It keeps you honest and since I’ve decided this roughly a month ago, T has only thought he caught me once, when in reality the facts were required for the point of the story.

So, so far it’s going well.

You know the old saying ‘if you can’t say something nice, don’t say it at all” – it works. Also if you erase negative thoughts from every day, life is generally a lot happier.

However, I make one exception – Reality Television. Those people set themselves up to be slammed. There will never be a day where I can say anything positive about the show or cast of Jersey Shore.

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